Acu-Res® Technologie
Die einzigartige Akustik-Resonanztechnologie (Acu-Res®) von FT wird weltweit für kritische Kontrollsysteme vertraut eingesetzt. Acu-Res® Windsensoren kompensieren automatisch Änderungen der Lufttemperatur, des Luftdrucks und der Luftfeuchtigkeit, um die Datenkontinuität aufrechtzuerhalten.
Den härtesten Wetterbedingungen trotzen
FT Windsensoren haben sich in extremen Umgebungen bewährt und liefern zuverlässige Daten – von Offshore-Windparks bis hin zu isländischen Stromübertragungsleitungen. Sie sind nach IPX6K versiegelt, korrosionsbeständig, gegen Überspannungen geschützt und verfügen über eine leistungsstarke Heizung für einen eisfreien Betrieb.

Warum FT wählen
Von der ersten Wareninspektion bis hin zur Kalibrierung und Prüfung steht Qualität im Mittelpunkt der Fertigungsprinzipien von FT Technologies. FT ist nach ISO 9001 und ISO 14001 zertifiziert und hält sich bei der Entwicklung neuer Produkte an APQP4 Wind.
FTs einzigartige Acu-Res®-Technologie misst Windgeschwindigkeiten von 0 bis 90 m/s und gibt Daten mit einer Frequenz von 10 Hz aus, sodass Sie präzise Windmessungen ohne Verzögerung erhalten.
Hartanodisiertes Aluminium, wasserdichte Gehäuse, Industrieanschlüsse und eine Ganzkörperheizung sorgen dafür, dass FT Windsensoren zuverlässige Windgeschwindigkeits- und Windrichtungsdaten selbst unter extremen Bedingungen liefern.
With industry-leading quality control measures in place, FT technologies manufactures professional-grade wind sensors that are chosen for a range of demanding applications. Whether you want to upgrade your wind turbines, gain weather warnings for critical infrastructure or get accurate wind data for your autopilot, FT wind sensors ensure you receive reliable data 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
control systems
Making precise adjustments to your equipment based on wind speed and wind direction means you need data that you can rely on. FT wind sensors bring the latest developments in software processing and aeroacoustics to give you the best performance, efficiency and reliability at all times.

navigation systems
Accurate wind data is essential for both partial and fully automated navigation systems, enhancing route optimisation, energy conservation, and safety. By integrating real-time wind speed and direction, vessels can adjust their course to minimise drag, reduce fuel consumption, and avoid hazardous conditions. With advanced wind sensors providing reliable, up-to-date information, navigation systems can make precise decisions, leading to smoother operations and lower operational costs.

safety warnings
Wind sensors are vital components of safety systems across various industries, providing real-time, accurate data on wind speed and direction. This information is crucial for preventing accidents, safeguarding structures, and ensuring safe operations in challenging environments, from construction sites to transportation networks. By enabling precise adjustments or emergency shutdowns during high winds, these sensors help maintain safety standards, minimise risks, and enhance operational reliability. Discover how FT’s advanced wind sensors deliver the critical data needed to protect lives and assets in wind-sensitive applications.

weather monitoring
Wind sensors are essential for weather monitoring applications such as air quality analysis, methane leak detection, and dynamic line rating. Accurate wind data enables the tracking of pollutant and methane dispersion, supporting effective environmental management and safety measures. For dynamic line rating, precise wind speed and direction measurements optimise power grid efficiency by calculating real-time line capacity. FT wind sensors deliver reliable, high-resolution data, ensuring dependable performance across these diverse applications.

Wind sensors are indispensable in marine environments, providing accurate wind speed and direction data critical for safety, efficiency, and performance. On commercial ships, they optimise navigation and enhance operational safety, even in harsh oceanic conditions. For offshore buoys, wind sensors deliver essential weather and ocean monitoring data, enduring constant exposure to saltwater and rough seas. In performance sailing, they offer the precision needed for tactical decisions while withstanding the physical stresses of racing. FT’s durable, corrosion-resistant wind sensors are engineered to deliver reliable, maintenance-free operation in demanding marine environments, ensuring consistent data across all applications.

35 Jahre Erfahrung
FT Technologies entwirft und fertigt seit über 35 Jahren Akustik-Resonanz-Windsensoren. Als führender Anbieter für die Windkraftindustrie seit mehr als 20 Jahren entwerfen und produzieren wir alle unsere Windsensoren im Vereinigten Königreich und exportieren sie weltweit.

FT7 Serie
Die FT7 Serie Windsensoren sind die „einbauen und vergessen“-Lösung für wartungsfreien Betrieb das ganze Jahr über, selbst unter den härtesten Bedingungen.
FT6 Serie
Die FT6 Serie Windsensoren sind für professionelle Leistung ausgelegt und minimieren gleichzeitig die Gewichtsauswirkungen auf den Endnutzer.
Was unsere Kunden sagen
The FT205, mounted on our drone, worked perfectly in real fire situations. The data it produced proved critically important to the emergency services as they were able to predict the spread of the blaze during the night.
Javier Prada Delgado
Dronetools SL
After hearing about the reliable performance of the FT sensor and then holding it in my hand and feeling the difference in weight and size, I was convinced. The weather can throw anything at us now. Changing to the FT sensor has made it possible to keep these turbines running, even in our coldest winter conditions.
Guy Le Blanc
Minnesota Wind Farm
The FT wind sensor was the only one to survive – the other two ultrasonic wind sensors were so badly damaged they stopped working altogether. The FT sensor, however, remained ice-free and continued giving measurements, and that was one of the worst icing events we have ever seen at the observatory.
Cesar Lopez
Sieltec Canarias