How do I access the product manual or acu-test software?
Please refer to your sales acknowledgement email for the download link. Otherwise, please get in touch to request for it here.
Please refer to your sales acknowledgement email for the download link. Otherwise, please get in touch to request for it here.
You can place an order by requesting a quotation or by sending your purchase order direct to [email protected]. If you are sending us purchase order directly, please remember to include the following information: Company name PO number Invoice address Delivery address Contact [...]
We quote for each order individually. Our pricing is based on a number of factors including the exact product configuration and settings you require. This will depend on the application for which you will be using the sensor. Price is also [...]
FT Technologies can supply small quantities of pre-assembled cables and connectors. For large volumes or long production runs it may be more economical to buy cables directly from your preferred manufacturer. You can see our full range of accessories here.